Sustainable strategic framework


Help clients to define a strategic roadmap for stustainability We understand the importance of sustainability for long-term business success. That's why the Mormedi Strategy team have developed a comprehensive sustainability framework that considers the entire life cycle of products and services and that helps companies define their strategic approach to sustainability.

Sustainability Framework.2018.
What we did:
Trend mapping, Definition of a proprietory approach to sustainability, Opportunity mapping.
Applicable to all industries

Sustainability is highly relevant yet for companies difficult to come to grips with, especially when trying not to fall into the “Greenwashing” trap. We challenged ourselves to develop a strategic framework to help companies define their sustainability approach through a systematic and rigurous approach, while considering the whole system of the service and product life cycle.


Development of a systemic approach to sustainability strategy definition. Through a comprehensive framework and rigorous methodology we are able to help our clients to identify and prioritize opportunity areas for sustainability leadership and improvements throughout the entire service and product life cycle.


This framework allows us to assess the status quo of our client by mapping initiatives that are planned, started or completed, as well as evaluate the market and competitor context to then determine where the focus should be. By considering these factors, we ensure that the strategy is adapted to the specific needs of each company and strategically positioned for ongoing improvements Through our collaborative approach we ensure buy-in from all key stakeholders, supported by Mormedi proprietary tool kits that provoke and inspire.

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Innovative initiatives identified


Trends found and categorized


Phases of the product life cycle studied


Leading sustainability companies analyzed


Errors to avoid detected

Sustainability is a topic close to our heart, we proactively seek to participate in and contribute to the discourse through conferences and roundtables.

We begin the research phase by seeking avenues for sustainability in large industrial companies.

We analyze the companies leading the way in sustainability and collaborate with our client to build a strategic opportunity map for each phase by answering key questions guided by our sustainability trend card set.

This involves understanding current initiatives, defining the desired position in 3-5 years, and outlining the path to get there.

The result is a comprehensive opportunity map with prioritized actionable initiatives and opportunities, ensuring that sustainability efforts are strategically aligned and poised for future success.

Sustainability is a topic close to our heart, we proactively seek to participate in and contribute to the discourse through conferences and roundtables.

We begin the research phase by seeking avenues for sustainability in large industrial companies.

We analyze the companies leading the way in sustainability and collaborate with our client to build a strategic opportunity map for each phase by answering key questions guided by our sustainability trend card set.

This involves understanding current initiatives, defining the desired position in 3-5 years, and outlining the path to get there.

The result is a comprehensive opportunity map with prioritized actionable initiatives and opportunities, ensuring that sustainability efforts are strategically aligned and poised for future success.

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