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5th Annual Spanish National Design Association Meeting

Mormedi was present at the 5th Annual Meeting of Spanish Design Associations (ENAD), and participated actively in the group that prepared what will be the third edition of Transferencias.design in 2018.

The ENAD meetings serve in part to take the pulse of design in Spain and see where there is a convergence not only of design associations, but also representatives from companies, educational centers and government institutions. These meetings review activity to-date and also include, in a very active and decentralized way, future initiatives to open new paths in the field of design. All this is brought to life through presentations, seminars and working sessions.

One of these initiatives is Transferencias.design, a multidisciplinary meeting with participants from companies, institutions, professionals and teachers that discuss how they interact and how this specifically contributes to the development of new profiles of designers. As such, the first edition in 2016 dealt with the perception of these profiles, and secondly, in 2017, was about the experiences and problems large companies and entities were facing in the area of design.

For the 2017 edition working sessions, representatives from universities and higher education centers, design associations, design consultants, museums and government institutions, were joined by Dutch and Finnish representatives, and discussed a variety of topics. The session concluded with the identification of three working tracks to be addressed in 2018:

  • The long-term role of companies in the formative cycle
  • The need for the explicit presence of design in research and development programs
  • Museums as active agents in relationships with institutional educators

In addition to the aforementioned themes and working groups, ENAD participants agreed there were secondary tracks that would take shape during the year and working groups would be assigned to them as well. The findings and activities of all of these groups would be presented and discussed in the next meeting. We hope to see you there.

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