What is going to happen with transportation in the cities of the future? That is the question we wanted to answer during our latest Talking Futures at Mormedi a few days ago.
In this opportunity, we had the chance to invite Fabio Filippini, one of the world's leading car designers, creator of the Ferrari 458 Speciale, Ferrari California T, Ferrari GTC4 Lusso, among many other icons, who came from Japan to share his experience with us.
According to Fabio, who has over 30 years of experience in the mobility world, we are going through a major change that is going to transform the way we move within the cities. “The transportation world, the automotive world, is going through a major revolution like what happened when the candle went to the electric bulb. The electric bulb wasn’t born by improving the candle, it was born by changing it completely. Now we are the bulb, but we are the LED bulbs. We still look the same for this case but in reality, is an even bigger revolution. Because LED is not just light, is many ways of expressing light, information, plenty of things. LED is screens, is flexible light, is medical, it gave a help to completely transform the way surgery is done today”, he explained during his presentation at Mormedi.
This major change means that nowadays, there are multiple ways of doing mobility, so the solution is no longer a product, but the interconnection between all these multiple forms and services that enable us to move from one place to another.
“Even car makers and big OEMs are also shifting and changing their way of doing things. For example, Mobilize is a new service offered by Renault for car sharing or for different services with a subscription. They develop specific vehicles that are modular. The same base electric vehicle could be for personal individual transportation, for car sharing, for delivery and they have different forms of vehicles. Car makers are already going over the simple fact of selling products. They started to sell services like it happened with the mobile phone that we don't buy anymore. Most of the time we buy the service, and the mobile phone comes with it”.

What is the challenge?
Autonomous cars are a reality today, the most recent cars have already an autonomous function. Now the problem is to finalize the integration of the autonomous car into a mixed environment. And this of course is also true with many other ways of transportation, either by air, delivery, people or either by rail, they will have to be integrated, Fabio explained.
“We should probably start to think more about cars not so longer as an individual vehicle, which probably will continue to exist in a separate shape, but as a multiple multifunctional moving space that will be available.bold text You no longer need don't need space for the driver, you need to have another experience.
So, the future of transportation in big cities will be multiple form integrated into an offer of multiple services, coordinated and interactive.
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