Tokyo, Japan - Mormedi, the design and innovation consultancy, together with the other members of the Future Cabin for the Asian Market (FUCAM) consortium, today revealed new concepts designed to revolutionise the flying experience for passengers from China, Japan, and Southeast Asia from 2025 onwards.
The novel concepts included a “third space”, which will utilise unused cargo space in the lower deck in a modular way toprovide unique experiences to passengers. The space will allow airlines to enter into partnerships with brands to offer immersive experiences utilising LED screens, projectors, digital mirrors, or even VR.
In addition, Mormedi designed a compact and innovative lightweight bench-style seat for higher densities called the the Super Eco Seat. This adaptable and customisable seat is optimised for a high-density cabin, aimed at Asian low-cost carriers and their strategy of offering the lowest fares possible in combination with the ancillary revenues from personalized onboard services and purchases.
FUCAM is a 3-year EU-Japan collaborative project led by Airbus and part-funded via the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The program made use of the significant expertise of 9 research and industrial partners from 6 European countries and Japan including Mormedi, Airbus Group, Airbus, Cranfield, Stelia, Jamco, Bertrandt, EASN, and Aalto University.
“We know that Asia Pacific will be the biggest driver of air travel demand from 2015 to 2035 (…) that is why it is so important that we utilise insight-driven and user-centric innovation to create the right product for the key markets of China, Japan, and Southeast Asia.
Jaime Moreno Medina, CEO of Mormedi
Jaime Moreno, founder and CEO of Mormedi, said, “We know that Asia Pacific will be the biggest driver of air travel demand from 2015 to 2035, with more than half of the new passenger traffic coming from the region. That is why it is so important that we utilise insight-driven and user-centric innovation to create the right product for the key markets of China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. It is my belief that the concrete, validated outputs from the FUCAM projects will both maximize passenger satisfaction through accessibility, safety, comfort, and connectivity, as well as help airlines maintain high industrial competitiveness and the capability to manage production growth.”
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