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Mormedi arrives in New York with a NY Product Design Award

Mormedi landed in New York with offices and an a award as Product Designer of the Year 2022 at the NY Product Design Awards for the project “Designing the freight transportation for the future” with HyperloopTT.

Mormedi Inc. has been created to strengthen the company's presence in the North American market, under the leadership of the company's founder and CEO, Jaime Moreno. The main focus will be in the United States, where the firm has been working constantly and permanently for more than four years with multinational clients in the mobility and retail sectors.

"The opening of Mormedi in New York is part of our internationalization plan. More than 50% of our revenue comes from clients from outside of Spain and the US market has an enormous growth potential, both for its size and for its agility in business and innovative capacity," says Jaime Moreno.

The company currently has headquarters in Madrid, offices in Tokyo, London and New York, as well as business partners around the world.

2022 NY Awards: Product Designer of the Year

Mormedi's arrival in New York has been accompanied by the recognition of the project carried out together with the American company HyperloopTT, "Hyperloop - Defining freight transportation for the future". This distinction is in addition to the IF Product Design Award 2022, which the same project received in April this year.

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